Super Seeds Granules are packed with loads of fatty acids, as well as vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that are vital for their health and wellness, supporting both their mind and body for holistic wellbeing.
Flaxseed Meal Flaxseeds are an amazing source of fiber and protein. They’re loaded with omega fatty acids and have immense benefits for skin and coat health, immune health, joint health, and more! We use flaxseeds in many of our supplements because of the amazing benefits towards skin and coat health
Chia Seed Powder Because of the high fatty acid content in chia seeds, they have amazing benefits towards skin and coat, heart, and immune health. They also contain other nutrients like fiber, calcium, and B vitamins, so they great for supporting joints, weight, and muscles too.
Pumpkin Seed Powder Pumpkin seeds, like pumpkin, can be helpful for maintaining digestive health. They’re packed with omega fatty acids and amino acids, which support overall health, and have benefits towards the immune system, skin and coat, joints, and cognition.
Sesame Seed This highly nutritious seed contains nutrients like fatty acids, fiber, vitamins, and minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, and zinc. That means this tiny seed has huge health impacts, supporting the entire body as a whole, as well as specific body systems like bones & joints, skin & coat, the immune system, and more.
Sunflower Seed Powder Like other seeds, sunflower seeds are densely packed with omega fatty acids. They also contain essential nutrients like vitamin B1, B6, B3, and vitamin E, manganese, folate, selenium, magnesium, and phosphorus. This ingredients supports whole body health, including skin & coat, joints, immune system, and so much more.
Grape Seed Extract Unlike grapes, grape seed extract is nontoxic for dogs! In fact, it’s a powerful antioxidant, providing essential nutrients to support whole body health. Grape seed extract is great for dogs who need support for their skin, and we also use this ingredient for topical healing in some of our balms!
Full Ingredients: Flaxseed Meal, Whey Powder, Cane Sugar, Pumpkin Powder, Safflower Oil, Chia Seed Powder, Pumpkin Seed Powder, Sesame Seed, Sunflower Seed Powder, Grape Seed Extract, Natural Antioxidants [Mixed Tocopherols (A Preservative), Rosemary]